Abstinence Presentation
This year we has Brittany Sheehy and Matt Hebert from the Abstinence Education Team (A-Team) to give a presentation to the homeschool students in St Cloud MN, in which we had about 70 attend. We will probably plan this event again every other year, so watch for announcements.
In the past 12 years, the A-Team has spoken to over 30,000 young men and women, in both public schools and private venues. Over 80% of the students who hear them speak pledge to remain abstinent until marriage.
In case you missed the live presentation, here is a video of a similar presentation:
Many homeschoolers use Passport2Purity (Books and CD set) to help teach their students about sex. It is a great tool with a separate book for girls and boys to walk through. It is very important to have these conversations with your children to give them the education they need so they can protect themselves from the over-sexed culture that is constantly telling them to take dangerous risks with sex.