Cloud Soccer
A homeschooler-organized, family friendly event on Saturday mornings, September - November. Teams are organized in approximately six levels by age/skill working on drills -- but mostly playing the game. This is NOT a drop off event and parents are encouraged to actively participate as referee, assistant referee or goalie with positive sports-like conduct.
Cloud Soccer can only happen if enough brave parents step up to help. Cloud Soccer is not a function of HEY or any other organization. Rather, it's a "get up game" attended by interested folks. In case of injury, each family needs to be responsible for their players. Soccer shoes are a good idea and shin pads are a really good idea. Cloud Soccer is open to all students from homeschooling families.
Friends NOT from homeschooling families are welcome to cheer the teams from the sidelines. Dress for the weather. Cloud Soccer does not cancel due to God's blessings that most people call "rain and snow." We consider them opportunities to build character and perseverance! Always assume that Cloud Soccer will meet, and of course, you define what constitutes a beautiful day to play Cloud Soccer :) In the past we have ordered "Cloud Soccer" T-shirts. Watch for announcements in your HEY email the beginning of September each year.